Here at Bottom Line Screening, we do not believe in charging for file disclosures beyond the free file disclosure specified under 612(a)-(d) of the FCRA.
Yearly, the CFPB calculates the dollar amount of the maximum allowable charge for disclosures by a CRA under the FCRA.
For 2020, the ceiling on allowable charges under section 612(f) of the FCRA will be $12.50, unchanged from 2019. The Bureau is using the $8.00 amount set forth in section 612(f)(1)(A)(i) of the FCRA as the baseline for its calculation of the increase in the ceiling on reasonable charges for certain disclosures made under section 609 of the FCRA. Since the effective date of section 612(a) was September 30, 1997, the Bureau calculated the proportional increase in the CPI-U from September 1997 to September 2019. The Bureau then determined what modification, if any, from the original base of $8.00 should be made effective for 2020, given the requirement that fractional changes be rounded to the nearest fifty cents.
The final rule is available in the link below:
Federal Register
The materials contained on this website have been prepared by Bottom Line Screening, LLC and are intended for informational purposes only and are not legal advice.